porsandoo, Fox on the Road (4)
دسامبر 20, 2021
در اهمیت همپرسگی(مشاوره ی)فلسفی(۱) / فرهاد بامداد
ژانویه 5, 2022

Porsandoo, Ass on the Road (5) Yahya Ghaedi

Porsandoo, Ass on the Road (5)
Yahya Ghaedi
Tehran: Peynama Publication (First edition), 2021, p. 16
As walked down the road, Porsandoo thought of other passers-by. At the same time, she/he passed an intersection and came to a crossroads. On one side of this crossroads, there was a road that Porsandoo didn’t know where it was going and the other side there was a road where people was coming from and she/he didn’t know where it came from. Meanwhile, she/he saw an ass…
Porsandoo’s question in the book is whether the ass should know where to take people or people should know where to go with the help of the ass