بدرود فرانک
سپتامبر 17, 2021
Porsandoo on the Road
نوامبر 24, 2021

Poopak and Porsandoo

Poopak and Porsandoo
A philosoohical story for children with instructional guide for facilitators
Yahya Ghaedi & Sahar Soltani
Tehran: Meraat Publication (First edition), 2020, p. 136
The story of this book takes place in two schools. The two schools have in common, the most important of which is Ms. Bayan and the fact that all children are in the first and second grades of elementary school. Each episode of the book has a separate story. Therefore, students may be a little confused at first Because they expect stories to continue as they did in the previous episode, according to the ordinary habit of story readers, but the story continues every time in other school. For example, episode 1 occurs in Poopak’ school which is a girls’ school, but episode 2 occurs in Porsandoo’ school which is a boys’ school. However, the theme of the story is the same. The significant point is that the story that happens in the boys’ school at the same time happens in the girls’ school and vice versa. Of course, our story does not narrate it.
Poopak and Porsandoo’s philosophical story has been written for 7-8-year-old students and to improve their educational and metal development. This book consists of 30 episodes and each episode has an instructinal guide to help educators and facilitators in teaching this book to children.